Professional Ethics

Ethical behavior and professional is a requirement for maintaining your CISSP certification because the profession of information security is based on trust. Professionals may be handling sensitive or confidential information. Ethically sound and professional ethics need to be adhered by the professionals.

Two important points to keep in mind:

  • Unethical activity doesn’t necessarily equate to illegal activity
  • Also what may be acceptable in some cultures, or societies may be unacceptable or even illegal in others
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International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC2) has a published code of professional ethics for its members. The (ISC2) Code of Ethics consists of a mandatory preamble and four mandatory canons that It is explicitly stated in its preamble that strict adherence to this regulation is a prerequisite for certification.

The canons are listed in order of precedence:

  1. Protect society, the commonwealth, and the infrastructure: Security professionals are responsible for improving the system security and infrastructure for the public trust.
  2. Act honorably, honestly, justly, responsibly, and legally: This canon warns security experts not to be overly fearful. it tells them to be confident in their work.
  3. Provide diligent and competent service to principals: It is important to make sure that security experts provide the right services that protect the value and confidentiality of related information and systems. You also need to make sure that security experts do not have a negative conflict with how to provide services
  4. Advance and protect the profession: Security professionals must maintain their skills. They also need to develop the skills and knowledge of others. Care should also be taken to ensure that people who are in contact with those who may harm the profession do not have a negative impact on the security profession.

Organizational code of ethics is based on the safety of the commonwealth and duty to principals, such as employers, contractors and professional workers that requires that professionals adhere to the highest ethical standards of behavior.